A Cosa Stai Pensando? / What's on your mind?

Thumbs up-thumbs down
Friday September 24th 2010, 9:38 am
Filed under: Post

Yesterday a good point about social networks came out during our class: why does Facebook allow only to like things and posts? Why can my tumb only be up? Any other option?

Someone said that the Like button doesn’t mean that you actually like something, it’s more like “it’s popular, therfore I share it”. You can only show your public preferences, not your natural aversions, and actually you end up pushing the Like button even when you don’t mean it.

Many people have realized that Facebook – like many other social network-doesn’t give you the chance of being negative and express your plain aversion to something. But something is starting to change…even if the only thing you can do is still giving it a thumbs up.

I want to dislike the Dislike button.

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